March 16, 2016


Now what?  And what the heck is this? With   a trip to the Dr., driven by my trusted driver (Amy)  I found out why my poor heel was hurting and almost making a cripple of me.  With meds and exercise I hope to walk better soon.  You runners probably know all about the things that can happen to your feet and legs.  I promise I have not been in any races except maybe to the dinning room,  I have been known to skirt around those slow walkers from time to time but not in a way to do harm--to me or them, but apparently other things can cause it.  Hate to say it but one could be old age.  The one reason that covers a lot of conditions.  So I will try again to fix myself with the help of many and be O. K. (sort of) again.  I keep asking the Lord what else he has for me to do and I guess it is still something. 

So Be It.

Betty Boop

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