March 31, 2016

THE PHILOSOPHER (not again !!)

Staying indoors and spending a lot of time with "me" gets me thinking a lot and a little too much I think,  We had a storm last night and I only heard a little thunder.  It hit my balcony I guess, as it was a mess this morning.  My beautiful hot pink geranium got knocked over and broke the pot and I will have to repot it.  I hope it survives.  It is strange how hard it is to do little things like that with your foot out of commission.  Oh do I need a big dose of patience.  My devotion this morning seemed to speak to me about that.  Have you ever read the whole book of Ecclesiastes?  I have several times as it says a lot to my life, especially these last years.  Read in chapter 3: 1-15.  Very well known words.  But read it all when you have time.

I woke at 3:00 and my foot was itching.  I could not stand it any longer.  I had to reach it and scratch!!  I said what the heck, and ripped that nasty big black boot off and scratched.........I left it off and it felt so good that I slept till 7 and did not even feel guilty.  So there.  I think it set the tone for the day.  I feel better.  Maybe I will make it and this is just a test of my faith.  I will get through it. It is now 9 and here I sit talking to my blog.  So be it!!!

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are my inspiration. I know that boot is driving you nuts.