April 11, 2016


Good morning faithful  readers of my blog.  You give me the courage to express my thoughts everyday.  I think that is a good thing,  To write and to read yours too.  It is a messy morning because the weather is muggy, cloudy and chance of rain.  O. K. we will find indoor things to do.  At Coffee this morning some talked about what they do when it rains.  One makes soup.  One reads and one just looks out the window.  I like for it to rain within reason of course.  Kind of slows you and makes me glad I don't have to go anyplace.  I was glad that Amy reminded me that my foot Dr. said this third week to wear the "boot". I could cut the time in half.  I choose to take that time at night.  Whew!  I can sleep better.  It does feel better today and I am hopefully looking to my visit on Friday.  After Church yesterday, Amy and I were the only ones to go, the grands were elsewhere, we had lunch at a favorite of mine--MR. CHENS--it was good and we had time to talk.  She actually says that she likes to be with me.  How many mothers can claim that statement?  Not all of them.  What a blessing.!!

I have a subject running around in my head for new poem for the VILLAGER.   I had better hurry to the Bubble and write before I loose the thought. 

Betty "boot" Boop

1 comment:

Karen Buffington said...

Wish I still had my mom to do things with!!!