April 9, 2016


Sunny in more ways than one.  Of course the sun is shinning and that is good. Sunny also because Jan came and we got so much done. We cleared  out a lot of old papers and mail that I was afraid to discard. That really felt good.  I really would be lost without her,  From clearing up these medical bills to packing up winter clothes and getting out my old tired summer duds.  I really need to donate some of my old friends.  We had a good lunch and she showed me videos of Brody experiencing his first snow.  He tried to catch snow flakes and laughed when he opened his hands to no snow.  David was running with him in his arms and laughing with him.  That little family, though we miss them so much,  will be O. K.  We miss them but Jan can see him on demand.  How nice.  Sometime we don't understand why things happen the way they do, but there is a plan and we must trust that it is right. 

I am still dealing with the "boot".  One more week and we will see what my Dr. has to say.  I guess I will just be prepared for what she says and go with it.  I do hope it does not include this draggy old boot.  Gosh it has been a pain.  I really have been slowed down.  Maybe that is a good thing.       My friend Betty brought me some of her homemade veg, soup.  Along with that and some crab meat salad that I picked up from the dinning room, I will have a good supper later and hope to go to Church tomorrow. 

Betty Boop

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