September 15, 2017


I haven't written about resident egret lately.  But he is still elegant and in charge,  I saw him strolling along my side of the lake this morning below my balcony.  Hunting breakfast.  He flew down into the edge of the water and trolled a while and then up again on the seawall.  He is so big up close and never in a hurry.  It was a peaceful sight in my little part of the world.  Hard to imagine all the hurt and strife that is going on all over the world.  Lord help us. 

Amy came yesterday.  She brought the quilt I picked from the stack Dianne sent us.  I love to think of those women in Truman's family who enjoyed getting together and having lots of fun with each other while quilting so many quilts.  Can't you imagine the gossip and tales they told? 

Betty Boop

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