September 25, 2017


As the song goes--like the first morning.  Love that song.  I could not sleep well last night.  I had a few things on my mind that I could not put to rest.  I know what I should do but human like, I try to solve everything alone.  I got up before 6 and started my day.  It was still dark but almost day break.  I stepped out on the famous balcony and heard the first bird wake and saw  the first trace of light in the sky.  What a sight.  I thought how faithful God is again .  And how great he is.  So much bigger than all my troubles.  I found some peace in that.  Later I fixed my breakfast and took coffee outside again.  I saw the sun rise and it was beautiful.  The ducks are swimming and the geese  are grazing the meadow and I saw this couple come walking around the lake-every morning they do this.  How wonderful.  They said they have been doing this for 50 years and see not need to stop.  Good for them.  I will try once more to turn my troubles over to the Lord this day and take it one day at a time.

What a sermon~~forgive me again.  This blog helps me.

`Betty Boop 

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