October 31, 2023


 O. K. I will take that. But I choose to stay inside and admire the  Birds. I am really enjoying feeding them and watching them .  Now what to wear? Will it warm some or do I find a sweater? Things to ponder. Oh yes. we are having Halloween Party today. Some will dress up and I want to see that. We have a 4 four foot Witch standing in the Hall. She cackles this scarry laugh every time someone passes her path. She comes out every Halloween and belongs to a resident. Her batteries were down yesterday, I hope they get her going today. I kind of like her. Some people think she is annoying, To each their own!!!  



October 30, 2023


We live where  the weather is interesting. Hot one day and cool the next. I had an interesting soup at supper last night. APPLE PUMPKIN.  Yes it was interesting, but a little too sweet to me. I ate it anyway. They try to keep up. I have seen several pumpkin soups. And some are good sounding. I like the butternut squash.  Hard to slice and prepare. I bet. Soup sounds good on a day like today. Kind of a comfort thing. Hey, I wish I had something to make soup with  today. Mr. Campbell  makes some fine ones. I keep a stash handy and always tomato.  PROGRESSO  is the best. I used to buy Clam Chowder that Truman loved. Wish I had some today--with him.

BETTY (It is soup day)

p. s. do you think a bowl  will find it's way to my plate sometime today?)

October 29, 2023


 Best kept secrete.  I think it is the best one of it's kind. Mr. T of our family loves it too.  He brought lunch to eat in the Bubble yesterday after J and I had worked on my "stuff."  Oh my, was I tired. After they left, I almost did not make it to the bed with my eyes open. I had slept fitfully the night before and I did not feel very good. Trying my brain on several things was almost too much. I napped for at least an hour. Felt better. We got some things done and it is worth it for them to help me. I need so much help these days and I am thankful for all I get. 

Egg poacher came out of hiding this morning. Makes perfect poached ones. Of course the wonderful and perfect of all kinds of fresh fruit J, brought really brightened my breakfast. She knows how to pick it. So the birds are still happy and making me happy too. So the sun is shinning and going to be a better day.

BETTY(love my family)BOOP

October 28, 2023


 Just talked to daughter # !. I am jealous of her luck with different kinds of birds. I am excited to have Wrens and Titmice.  They have brightened my mornings with breakfast. Would like to see more color.  # 2 is coming with her spouse for lunch in the Bubble.  Beautiful lunch place. J is going to do a few things like fill the pill box and other things that need to be taken care of.  Kind of a work and conversation day. Must be done. When I sat down to breakfast, I said what a beautiful breakfast. Oatmeal {not instant) topped with a perfect banana and sprinkled with granola was so good. Haven't thought of that before. Have you?

BETTY( looking for something new to add) BOOP

October 27, 2023


 It is always a good day when I get my hair cut How about you?  What does a haircut do for you?  Sometime it is the best thing to happen. Sometime it is not.  Sometime for whatever reason the operator is just not herself. Or it may be me? My hair is not behaving. or blame it on the weather?  Sometime it is great and everyone  ask who did my hair.  Maybe that will be today. We will hope. Well the sun is shinning. Birds are happy and so am I.


October 26, 2023


I really have the Finch at the table, at least two kinds. Of course the purple are pretty. I am enjoying what will come next. A. came and brought new large print books from Madison Library.  They carry large and good selection.  And she brought wonderful frozen sugar free yogurt. Oh my what a treat.  I am out of patience, so I must stop. Keep making mistakes. 

BETTY (not much fun) BOOP

October 25, 2023

62 and and a little breezy.

 Will be a beauty!! J & T are home from a fun travel. Lots of fun memories with Grands. Birds are fun to watch. Wrens, Titmice are what I have so far. One little wren has a bright pink breast. I understand their are several kinds of Wrens. I will not boggle my mind trying to identify any kind, just enjoy. Please don't give me a book!!!  Lordy, I am having trouble reading for any length of time. After all, you do need to know what I had for breakfast.  By the way it was oatmeal with banana and strawberries. The banana was overripe. so most went in trash, but I had a few strawberries left, so they finished it just fine.  SO BE IT.


October 24, 2023


 Nice day, but we need the rain. Hope for some soon. One little Wren came to breakfast as I sat on Balcony. They are still a little unsure of my presence. Patience. they will soon get used to me as the food gets more important. I went to Choir yesterday. The only activity I still am a part of. I do love it. We are getting a Christmas program together. Along with old favorites and a few others. Should be good. Don't know if our director will be able to continue as she is taking care of her husband who is recovering from a stroke. I understand that position she is going through. We will hope she can continue because we all love the experience of singing.  I know I do. 

Fun is having a SCV biscuit for breakfast. I had one and I know it is not as good for me as a lovely wholewheat toast, but You must treat yourself sometime.  Right?


October 23, 2023

I AM O. K.

 I am o. k.  Have tried to write the last two days, but got frustrated when I had to correct so many mistakes, so I gave up. My eyes are giving me trouble telling the brain what to do. Every one is mixed up.  So I decided to give it another go.  I do love writing and hope you don't mind reading. I tried my little egg poacher this morning. It  was a perfect egg on an English Muffin. Mmmmm good. Little tricky but worth it. The Balcony was pleasant this morning. I enjoyed the coffee with the birds. They seem less afraid of me. Titmouse pair are so cute and talk a lot. Is it Summer again or Fall? It is  so changeable but interesting. Well I seem to have gotten this far without too many mistakes so maybe I will stop while ahead.


October 20, 2023


 New job. I am delighted to report that I now have birds at my new feeder. It is a state of the art. from WILD BIRDS UNLIMITED. I had high hopes that they would flock to it right away. But not in my time but there own, they appeared yesterday to my delight. Not sure what they are. I know one kind is Titmouse, but another is unnamed so far. I sat on Balcony this morning hoping to get a closer look. None came so I gave up and the minute I shut the sliding door, they appeared.  Timid and did not like me there. I went back inside and watched from there. Maybe they will get used to me soon. If not-I will respect them and watch from inside. I am just happy to feed and watch them. I fed many kinds when we lived on Riverwood. Kept me busy sometime. squirrels  were the problem there. Sometime racoons. Fed them all. O. K. that is my news except MG and her mom came yesterday. Always a pleasure. 


October 19, 2023


 As I sat on Balcony, I saw one Goose just looking over the water. as if searching. Of course, a story began to unfold in my mind. All by its self, just scanning the Lake. Was she lost? A visitor looking for a "forever" home? Was she waiting for someone special? Was she on probation for some deed?, Or was she sick and trying to get well? All these things could make a good story and probably none are true. Who understands fully what nature can be? That is what is interesting about it. But she  is still there, and although a few geese have swam in the Lake, some honking, I wonder if they know what is wrong? If indeed anything? I will check oh it later.

I have "travelers" on the road to a fun visit with their "grands" and the rest of their household. Have fun Y"all,


October 18, 2023


Still a little cool. So I am getting reluctant to get cold. Went to the Methodist service  here yesterday. Once a week a local minister comes for us. We use the Chapel like all the other groups. It is very pretty and inviting. It is at 4 on Tuesdays. By that time of day I am a little used up and getting hungry. I wish it were in the mornings. Always wishing. 

SCV had a 35th Birthday celebration yesterday. Real nice. How could I know, since I forgot about it!!!  I lucked up on it as it was ending. I strolled through and looked at the remains of a lovely display of old pictures and other things of the past. I missed some good looking refreshments too. Would have passed on those anyway. But decorations and the crowd was nice. Oh well, missed another something. I am used to that. 



October 17, 2023


 Yes crazy but here I am. Sitting on my Balcony in the sun and cool temps. Dressed in two robes and high wooly socks, big cup-o-joe in hand. Helps to warm my fingers. I do see the Sun peeping over the tree tops. What a sight. All free for me. I think maybe it is the old 8 o'clock coffee. But I still have another to try. It is STARBUCKS.  blend. It says so poetic: "Notes of toasted malt & milk chocolate"  Who got a job for that quote? Lucky me, can't wait to use the current one and start on that one. 

I went to Choir yesterday. I enjoyed it. Oh,  Lord, thank you that you do not have to try out to sing in this Choir. Everyone is welcome to sing. 

BETTY (singing)  BOOP

p. s. don't listen too close.

October 15, 2023


 I guess the sun got tired of the world looking at it and decided to hide today. A little cool outside for the Balcony. So here I sit inside. I got to visit with A. yesterday. Just a regular visit, Best kind. J. came later and filled the pill box. That is such a relief. The box is getting fuller all the time and I need reassurance. That means a lot to me. Her visit is a BIG help. too. Also fresh fruit and other groceries. I do eat right for sure.

Well. let us go look for the Sun on the other side of the street, there it hides. Just have to  look for it.


October 14, 2023


 I have a good view of the sun and it's show for today. Hope to get a quick look. Must be careful. What a wonderful thing the world is.  Too bad it gets treated as it does. We people should be ashamed.  

Hey I had  ham & eggs this morning. Oh and a biscuit too. I should be O. K. for a while. I am sure my diet keeps me trim. I01 was the number at the Dr. office. I need  some new clothes as my "oldies" are hanging kind of loose. Good excuse. Wish Stienmart was still in business. Dillards is my next favorite place to shop. 

BETTY( change of season) BOOP

p. s. I  like living where we have season changes. Do you?

October 13, 2023


 I do like my Dr. Had a wonderful visit yesterday. He understands small strokes and 96 "old girls". Like me. He said I was doing good after the April stroke. And he was pleased with my progress. Keep it up. Change can be better I hope. It seems a good attitude does help. I am not perfect and never will be, but after all---who is? Enough of that. Routine does not change. Nothing to add or take away-and away I go to carry on. 

I sat on Balcony and watched many Canada Geese fly in. They made a "joyful" noise and flew on. Just looking it over I guess. I hope a few plan to stay. I like their presence and the way they make me feel. Kind of like home.  I had a different breakfast this morning I always cook a little, but this morning, felt like something easy. I had o. j. , TOTAL cereal with a lovely banana, a whole wheat toast with cheddar cheese melted on it. Not much mess and clean up. Maybe I will add that once a week for fun. I bet a lot of people who have to rush off to work or school have a good breakfast without all the extra cooking.  I still love my grits, bacon and egg cooked in different ways, but change is good. (sometime.)


October 11, 2023


 I have been conducting a  survey on coffee. So far I have tried several kinds. This morning I opened and made my morning coffee with eight o'clock, med roast. I have not been impressed with the several designer names. This morning I opened the old A &P 8 oclock, medium roast. Remember the one where you ground your own?  At the great A &  P grocery store?  Maybe it is just me with my love for the past. but so far I declare it a WINNER. I have one more to try---Starbucks. We will see. Will take a while to use the 8 o'clock. Well somebody has to conduct these things. Why not me?

Kind of gloomy and a little rain, but still Balcony weather for me. I am still waiting for more birds at my new feeder. I did see an unknown (to me) pair yesterday. I don't have a bird book anymore, so I am going downstairs to our Library and ask about one there. Another adventure. Means nothing to some, but I want to know who the strange visitors were.

BETTY( inquiring minds want to know) BOOP

p.s. visitors are welcome at SCV

October 10, 2023

55 Little warmer.

 Well we have Mississippi weather====changeable. 55 will start us off today. Good thing we are changeable people. It is what we expect. Good Fair weather, not that matters to me personally. But for the State Fair people it has been great. Brings needed money to our state. Lord we need it. 

Enough of that observation. Anyone can figure that. Don't know what for today, but something unexpected always happens. How stupid a comment. We never know what may happen. Yesterday was full of surprises, but I made it through and am good to try again. I can usually count on breakfast being pretty much predictable. Maybe you can too. I do add surprises sometime. How pathic I sound. Sometime you have to make your surprises.  Well I will close this little writing with a Better next time.

BETTY (not much to say) BOOP

p. s. wish I was on a trip like some I know.

October 9, 2023


 Well, here I sit--old long robe and high top sleep socks, coffee in hand and getting cold. What does that mean? Haven't felt this in a while. I like it. Can't stay long coffee gets cold. Lovely it is. Raspberries in my oatmeal, makes me happy. Except for the tiny seeds, they were delightful for a change. 

I guess I am impatient, but no birds yet at my new bird feeder. Patience is what I lack. I do try, but I really want to see what kind of birds I can attract.  I could not stay long, I was getting cold and the birds are reluctant to new things and I will give them time. 

Time does march  on and I must keep up. 

BETTY (march on BOOP)

p. s. Choir practice is today. 

October 8, 2023


 Almost too good. Grand Daughters came and brought talk, laughter and flowers. Brought their MOM too. I enjoyed them so much. Then daughter # 2 came in the afternoon to wrap up the day. All so good. My brain was  over worked I guess because it could not go to sleep last night. I went over and over with all kinds of subjects. Some very not wanted. I finally got to a better sleep early this morning and overslept. Not very good. So, I am staying here and trying to get back on track. Maybe that is not the best way, but I am too unbalanced to do anything else. This balance thing is so hard to handle . Looks like to me, with all the smart people we have, someone would come up with a solution.      SO BE IT


October 7, 2023

55 O. K.

I just love the change. I sat on the Balcony in the old robe and enjoyed the breeze. Good Fair weather. Don't miss going to the fair but a biscuit would be good. I bet the last little Hummer will take off now. Up will go the new bird feeder, I will have fun with that I hope. This will be new for the balcony. I fed the birds always on Riverwood. 

I have company coming today. Will tell all later.

BETTY(get my act together) BOOP

October 6, 2023


Just as always. Never enough 

Fall and always wanting something else. I am really happy with the weather, just making small talk. Flu shot went well yesterday, I am impressed with "us" and how we try to take care of ourselves. Will get the rest of shots later when it gets set up. I was busy all day with this and that. Stayed awake a  good part of last night. Over and over with the same old things.  Could not shut it off.  I have lived 96, almost 97 years and still my thoughts create emotions I can't control. I will work on the problem or should I let it work itself out by itself?  Sounds like a better plan. 
BETTY(working on it)BOOP

October 4, 2023


  YET, when I list the task, it is not much compared to what used to be. Yesterday I dragged my Halloween "decor" out of cage and decided it is my favorite . Crazy old witch will sit in the little chair and make people smile. Many old favorites will appear too. I did not write yesterday, the words kept leaping and delea till I gave up. Eyes will not do what I tell them to do. gave up and prayed for a "better tomorrow." Well here it is tomorrow and not much better. The birthday lunch went so well. We had a good time eating and talking, and laughing. The things we do best. Yesterday, I got  my papers handed in to get the "shots." First in line. Now we wait. Thursday is flu shot day. I just might be first in line again. 

This is short  because I have to look at each key before I punch it or I miss type .Kind of a slow  thing and I get frustrated fast. But the effort is worth it to me. 


October 2, 2023


 October 2, long ago, a beautiful dark haired beauty made her first appearance in this world. Sent from heaven and was welcomed by her family with open arms. The world has been a better place since then. # 2 little girl is special and we all love her. Happy Birthday dear daughter. 

 The world seems to be coming back. Since it has been such a hot summer, the Canada Geese have been in hiding. Where? Don't know, but they have reappeared. Hello. Glad you are back. One little Hummer is hanging around still. Hope everything goes well for it. The world of Nature is a mysterious place. Keeps me guessing. Well. off to a big day as sister, nieces and Mom gather at one of our favorite eateries to lunch and celebrate our Birthday girl. Tell you later about it.

BETTY(love a Birthday) BOOP


October 1, 2023


 As I pulled the drapes open this morning--there it was. A Limo sIze  creature clinging to drapes. We "eyed" each other, I think.  At least I did. He was too weak and tired to care. So was I. I did not panic. I casually found my big, heavy, NEW WEBSTER'S COLLEGE DICTIONARY and as I knocked him to the floor. it was not hard, he actually fell, I aimed the book and let it slam hard on the creature. It is still there, I dare not move it, till I hope he is dead. I suppose he was searching for water. Bugs are rare to have here. We have regular pest control service. But that is still not a sight to see. With so much to do, I am a little unsettled. And can't control my pressure. Had a small episode last night and had to get it down before bedtime. With forms to fill out to receive the new Covd  shot and flu shot , it took J, to help me. To get new glasses. and another visit to Dr. coming up, It is almost too much for this tired old brain to handle. I have such good support from family, but  I am weak still and anything extra puts a strain on me. Well thanks for lifting my burden a while. It seem lighter to unload.

BETTY(carry on)BOOP

p. s. come lift the bug away please.