October 11, 2023


 I have been conducting a  survey on coffee. So far I have tried several kinds. This morning I opened and made my morning coffee with eight o'clock, med roast. I have not been impressed with the several designer names. This morning I opened the old A &P 8 oclock, medium roast. Remember the one where you ground your own?  At the great A &  P grocery store?  Maybe it is just me with my love for the past. but so far I declare it a WINNER. I have one more to try---Starbucks. We will see. Will take a while to use the 8 o'clock. Well somebody has to conduct these things. Why not me?

Kind of gloomy and a little rain, but still Balcony weather for me. I am still waiting for more birds at my new feeder. I did see an unknown (to me) pair yesterday. I don't have a bird book anymore, so I am going downstairs to our Library and ask about one there. Another adventure. Means nothing to some, but I want to know who the strange visitors were.

BETTY( inquiring minds want to know) BOOP

p.s. visitors are welcome at SCV

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