August 9, 2013


The big shower for Brody Alexander Merkosky is tomorrow.  What a strong sounding name.  It will be a family affair.  The kind we do best.  It will be at Sophie and Paul's house.  Even little cousin, Karis will be there.  Not to let the Ellis Reunion die this year,  we are having a mini one.  I call it the George Ellis Reunion.  A lot of his off springs will gather at sweet Jan's.  Of course we need to thank Tommy too.  Thank goodness Tommy is used to big family doings.  His family love each other too.  Jimmy, Lois and Sally will be here and that is how it got started.  We don't get to see them often.  Our lunch at Jan's will be pretty much like reunion food.  The best!!.  So we have a big weekend starting tomorrow when Linda and Joseph come. 

Guess what--it is raining!!Wonderful.  We need it and they do not promise much cooler weather however.  After all it is August.  I think most people are looking forward to the Fall.  We humans are never satisfied.  I do like the Fall season best.  Something to do with school starting.  But I do not have anyone starting back to school.  Just a habit I guess.

Betty Boop

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