April 18, 2015


I love the book of Proverbs.  When my daily devotion book list Proverbs as the scripture for the day, I sometime get caught up in it and read like it is a fortune cookie.  Today it said a lot in a few words. " An  anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."  Proverbs 12:25  Another version of the Bible read: " Worry can rob you of happiness, but kind words will cheer you up."  The Bible I use the most is GOOD NEWS BIBLE Today's English Version.  It is the one I received when Truman and I went on a retreat in 1986 called DE COLORES  Mississippi CURSILLO #18.  It was so good.  Anyway this Bible has little pictures across the top of each page and they illustrate certain verses on that page.  So interesting.  Either version sends a message to think about.  END OF SERMON, for today.

Betty Boop
P.S. When I read Proverbs, I picture this old wise man sitting high up someplace and I am wondering if he is Chinese?  Giving out good advice.  Maybe and maybe not.

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