February 22, 2016


While sitting on the balcony drinking a coke after exercise class. I heard the cawing of the black crows.  What a racket!  I watched as a group flew into the tallest of my pines,  The leader (apparently) held court from the very tip top and it was a good perch for the preacher(I called him).  He went on and on, back a forth with the same message.  They would answer and he would say it again.  I wondered what he was telling them.  Whatever it was, it was important enough to repeat it over and over.  It must have been 10 of them all in the pews of the tall pine.  Once in a while one flew to the next tree, not as tall, and signal something.  And then he flew back.  It started to rain and encroach on my space there so I came inside and they were still caring on.  I went back a few minutes later and they were gone.  I can only imagine what was up, but I do know they had a fearless leader.  Or was he fearful?  I looked up crows on the computer.  Lot to read.  They are very common and can be a nusance  in some parts of the country.  Hard to get rid of.  But St Catherine's crows are very nice!!!!  My My  I have a lot to do.  But birds are interesting.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

I think crows are fascinating.