February 10, 2016


I was beginning to think I would never say that again.  Enough said on that subject.

O. K. Mardi-Gras was well celebrated here.  So many Catholics here, made it more liked.  Bands, French Market, Irish coffee, French food, beads, loud laughter, special drinks, people dressed crazy. and what I missed was the oysters on the half shell.  O well maybe next time.  Next comes  Valentine's Day.  We celebrate it on the 12th with special music, wine, tea and chocolates .  Hope to be a part of that.  If I can get my voice back as the Choir sings love songs to everyone.  See, we have plenty to do.  I could tell you more but you might not could get your mind around it.  Later!!!!!

O yes, the Honey Man is coming today too.  Local honey is good, I just buy it and it last and last.  I know some people who eat it every day.     It feels good to be writing again of the fun things that go on around here.  I even wrote 2 verses of a new poem.  I hope the inspiration comes for more soon. Some day I will tell you how I write.  All poets have a certain way they compose.  Mine is a little strange, but works for me.  Thank goodness I have found an outlet for my thoughts and people actually read and like them.  I know they are not great and lack a lot of being correct, but my words are mine and I love to share.

Betty Boop

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