February 28, 2016


Spring is coming early.  I should have lived through many of them to know not to predict.  It gets me to thinking about my pots garden on the balcony..  I tried tomatoes once and did not do too well.  I still want to try them again.  Maybe cucumber or peppers.  They would be pretty anyway.  The tried and true begonias and what else?  Fun to plan.

My "little man" came yesterday. He brought "Nana" and mom Cary.  He likes to come to "MaMaw's house" as he calls it.  How I wish he could have explored Riverwood.  He ate his lunch of grilled cheese sandwich and fruit cup with gusto.  A lady resident gave him a dollar bill.  He had never held one before and was baffled at first.  Cary and Jan explained and he told people "I got money."  By the time he left it was crumpled in a ball, but he had money.  I hope he always will.

Betty Boop

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