March 8, 2018


Not a day too soon, I might add.  Wish I could get the courage to go grey but not yet.  A hair cut makes one feel so much better.  Cool in low 30's but the sun is shinning.  I had a fitful sleep last night.  I even got up at 2 and read an hour or so.  Had something to do with those big old checks I had to write to Federal and State government .  Can't remember when I owed the State.  Oh give me strength.  I hate fooling with money matters.  I know I have good help, but it upsets me so to let it go.  I used to tell Truman to cash and sell it all and we would put it in a bag and hide it.  He would get upset with me because I had such trouble grasping the whole picture.  So be it. 

I know I am a mess.  Oh Lord teach me today to accept Your acceptance of me.

Betty Boop

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