March 6, 2018


Right from the top comes the diagnosis for Bitsy's problem.  Allergy  to almost everything you can think of besides food.  The only way to treat it is with allergy shots.  Who gives them?  Me of course.  I used to give Penny shots for diabetes.  But I lost my touch and when I tried to give Bitsy one at the Vets before we left, I stuck myself first and then I let the needle go to far with Bitsy and lost a dose of meds.  But finally I got it right.  M. G. and Amy are going to help me.  I need someone to hold her.  She does not like it.  I don't blame her.  I will get better as time goes on.  These shots although will get fewer, they will more than likely be for her life.  Well that is all for today, it is enough.

Betty Boop

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