March 25, 2018


It seems  I stay there, under the weather.  I picture that like a giant toad stool and me sitting under it looking out.  Couldn't do without my Jan who took me to out- patient clinic Saturday for a little problem.  It seems I stay in trouble.  I am getting better.  I hate being tied down and having to deal with myself.  Well I slept late and watched two programs in Church this morning.   guess I got a couple of good messages, but I had rather go to my own church.  Maybe next Sunday which is Easter, I will go. 

I saw a Mallard Duck couple looking for a nest, I hope right in front of my balcony.  They stayed a long time then moved on.  I wish they would raise a family there.  We will see.  M. G. brought me, among other good looking dishes, Chicken Enchiladas.  I baked one and made a salad of lettuce, tomato, celery. and pickled beets (yes beets) try it.  It was all good.  I had a long nap.  Surely my body is healing.  I must sing in the Easter program with my choir out here at SCV on Wednesday.  Well, I guess they could do without me-but I need them,

Betty Boop

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