February 2, 2020


Do you believe the Groundhog in York, Pa?  He did not see his shadow, so an early Spring!!  Well if Punxsutawney lived here, he would see his shadow this morning.  Beautiful sunshine here would really chase him back in hiding.  Just fun and he is not always right by the way. 

WILDLIFE REPORT :  A resident spotted a large skunk under his balcony.  Then security discovered several more roaming around.  Eleven in all were captured by a professional.  Several cats were relocated to shelters.  So far the one opossum is still on the run.  My I am living in a jungle.  We also see deer on occasion. They get to stay.  The skunks were relocated too. We do have excitement from time to time, but no groundhog!!  We are kind to all the wildlife, especially the two legged ones who live inside the building.  Don't you know the Security team had a field day? 

Betty Boop  

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