April 7, 2023


 Do you love a rainy day? I guess it depends on if you can stay inside. And then some don't mind the trouble of going out in the hubbub. If I had some cute rain gear. maybe a pretty umbrella or raincoat, I would not mind it too much. But I do not have that kind of stuff. Been so long ago that I had to dress for the public. I will stay here and take care of business. Speaking of business, this long official envelope appeared in my mail box yesterday. Oh, No !!! CIRCAIT CLERK,MADISON COUNTY,CANTON, MS.  JURY DUTY. Sorry, can't make it anymore. Now I will have to get help in filling out my excuse. You would not believe what forms you fill out to say no thank you. Even have to have it notarized. (we have a notary here) I went through this a short time ago, but here I am (random) picked again. Well. something to do and something to get my dander up. Why can't they just delete me from the list? I do not mind my duty and all that, but I am way beyond being any help. So Be It.

BETTY (96 and counting)BOOP

p. s. proud to be an American


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