July 23, 2023

73 degrees on BALCONY---NICE

Need a lot of this kind of weather. My that Trader Joe's coffee is better than Kroger  Breakfast Blend. Must look into another kind of coffee that I can buy at Kroger. Oh, well, life is too short to drink less than the best. Right? After all. it is one of the first pleasures I have first thing in the morning. Especially when I had such a rough night of little sleep. My the brain is a wonderous thing. How does it store so much memory? I went back over early days in my 3 hours I stayed awake last night. I could not shut it down. I did everything right all day. Exercise, walking. eating right and at the proper time and interacted with people, rested and napped, and still I had such a time. I am tired this morning. I do try, better than most people in my situation Well, I will keep on trying and maybe the new "Normal" will finally settle in soon.

BETTY(have a good day) BOOP


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