July 10, 2023


What a Week!!!! The week was a wonder. SHORE THING  (play on words} was the name of the large house with I don't know how many rooms. Room for everyone. In the days to come. I will try to convey the "goings "on of a "Happy to be there" group . who got along together and had a fine time. Good  food and rest were the intentions and we delivered to all. Especially The Old Girl who tagged along. I still can't believe the attention and help I received from everyone, to make it easy and as possible as could be. Enough of that. The weather was good. We did leave in rain, which was all right, since the Sun was good all week. Every year. after 49 odd years (can't remember how many) it has changed so much. We were at the end of the Beach Road this year and very little traffic and the beach was not crowded at all. So peaceful and quiet. Better stop with this and get on with chores of laundry and getting back into the groove. But I will tell you much as the days go on. 

BETTY (tired but happy)

p.s. good way to be?

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