June 30, 2024


 Still red hot.  Flowers are suffering no matter how much water I give them.  Well what can I do?  Two daughters came yesterday at the same time.  Little things to take care of.  We liked being together for an afternoon.  Wish the other one could have joined us, but I did talk on phone to her for a visit. There is nobody like a daughter,  I am blessed with 3 and love them dearly.

I keep craving something cold and sweet.  Wonder why?  In my case it is for the weather being so hot I think.  Have to find something cold and not sweet.  I settle for good old ice water.  


June 29, 2024


 Flowers are drinking daily, thanks to me, but they seem discouraged. Working hard to stay alive. Can't blame them . Still the Trash seed are big and bold and taking over the pots where I planted the seed I found in the Trash room.  There is a lesson and a story there, but not too interesting. 

What is good is my "baby girl" has a  Birthday today.  All grown up?  Never to me will you grow up.  Stay the sweet little baby.  You bring brightness to me every day. What I really was trying for, was a Boy for my husband. but no little boy could have brought more satisfaction to your Dad and me.  Enough said.!!!


June 28, 2024


 Well I watched the Big Debate last night.  Don't usually get that involved but. I have been interested this time.  It seems so much is at stake and it looks hopeless.  But I would like another choice.  Neither person who is running for President seems what we need.  I heard they would have to decided on their own to drop out and get a new choice.  We really need someone else to guide our country, I think. Nobody asked me, so what will be--- will be.

Little rain yesterday helped a little.  Seemed pleasant on Balcony. Guess what J. brought yesterday.  She finds so many good fruit choices.  Cherries are in season and they are very good.  On our travels in Motor Home, we saw cherry trees being grown but I can't remember which state, They were loaded with beautiful ripe cherries.   I had a little bowl for breakfast.  Very good!!!


p.s . travel by car or motor home and you will see more. 

June 27, 2024


Amazing how I see rain clouds all around me and sun is shinning on SCV but for  the showers we need.  A little cooler, so I did see a runner. A  guest  I think.  Yesterday was full of little "pick up" chores.  That is what I call them.  Small things that get put off until they become "major" then they feel good to get them done.  I cooked Lady Peas yesterday.  So good and make you think of Summer Time.  I made a little spaghetti with no meat but just sauce.  (I thought it was Ragu sauce) turned out it was diced pimientos !!!!So I improvised.  I used Arby's sauce, tomato ketchup. and something else, I can't remember.  Little water and cheese I think.  It turned out O. K.  I am not a "picky eater" as I was as a kid. (I put Parmesan cheese on top." Not exactly like dine out brand, but I fed the hungry old girl. A sugar-free chocolate Fudgesicle made it all good. 

BETTY (fix it) BOOP  

June 26, 2024


 Settle down.  For me, I have been too high on the fun ladder.  I survived the much waited for with the Concert.  That was the high for sure.  It went so good and family there was a real high.  I had another high yesterday.  Daughter #3 took me to get new glasses.  About time.  Dr. hopes reading glasses will help me read better.  I hope so, since I have been missing reading books.  Got a new pair of regular one too.  So I am looking to read and enjoy that again.  Another good thing happened. My sweet Indiana granddaughter sent me some shots she took with her new camera.  She has talent for it and I am happy she is having fun with it.  A new friend and I shared our books from childhood.  I like her .  She has a cat and I got to meet her.  So many things are making me happy. thank you Lord for Blessings.  


p.s.  contentment comes in many forms. 

June 25, 2024


I have a feeling this is just the beginning of hot season.  I am watering the pots on balcony every day. My My the produce we are getting is good.  Don't know how, with such a little rain.  Well we have had some at when it was needed.  Enough of talking about the weather.

Lets talk about the success of the Concert.  I enjoyed it more than anyone.  It was good. Amy and MG. came and brought me beautiful yellow roses.  Most beautiful I have seen before. I gave a couple to friends and shared their beauty.  Thanks to MG. She is  real blessing to me.  And surprise when I looked in the standing people close to the end of program and there stood my faithful two, who drove home in time to see most of the program.  Texas

 is a big State. I appreciated  them for doing that to hear me sing.  It was a big success and I really enjoyed it all.  And of course, my supportive and helpful youngest one was there.  What would I do without her? We will take a break from Choir till September, when we start practice for Christmas.  We will see how that goes. Will be here before we know it. 


June 24, 2024


Going to be hot.  What do I mean, going to be hot?  It is already 80 on the Balcony.  Did not tarry long.  I saw only Geese, but lots of them.  Soon they will hop in for a cool down.  

Well the much awaited for Day is here. The Choir Concert is at 3. Hope it goes well as all the other times. Wish J & T could be here.  They are sorry to  miss it, but it could not be.  They have been so faithful to me.  And I understand.  

Well, lets go with the flow and make music, enjoy.

BETTY (hope my voice holds out) BOOP
p.s. I am good at moving my lips to the words.

June 23, 2024


 How about this orange?  Reminds me of a big pretty orange for real.  I like them and often drink a glass with my pills.  Makes them go down.  Amy came yesterday to fill my pill box as Jan & Mr. T. are having fun with their grandson.  A, visited and we had fun talking about many things.  Have to catch up since I am such a small part anymore.  SO BE IT


June 22, 2024

YOU KNOW WHEN..........

 Yes you know when you put on your robe, the snaps are wrong and your pockets are all hanging wrong, inside out, you take it off, turn it , you think, and put it on wrong again,  Again you take it off and turn it, you think, turn it and it is wrong again.  Take it off the third time, again it is wrong.  Am tempted to leave it wrong. But I finally get it right.  Really was a tiny breeze and it was not all in vain.  No walkers.  So that is why the Halls are so busy.  Everyone stays inside and that is smart if you can.  

Got stuck on Egg-in-hole.  I made such a beauty that I wanted another today.  So I did.  If the toast is just right and the egg runs just so, it is worth showing on TV.  But no, they don't always turn out perfect. I am enjoying the wonderful fruit just now.  All so perfect and sweet and juicy.  Enjoy it while we have it.

Saturdays have always been for  fun. So go fine yours today.

BETTY fun loving old girl) BOOP

June 21, 2024


 I know, I said never again. but I fed the birds toast crumbs yesterday and this morning too.  No Hummers and I miss feeding something or somebody.  Two came and I look for more as I hide inside.  My husband was a nice one to feed.  I can't remember him ever complaining about my cooking, even though I struggled to learn on him.  When he did not really like something I cooked he would say sweetly, "Maybe we will not have this again."  So we did not.  That is the way we got along so good.  A little give and take goes a long way.  But I did learn to cook pretty good over the years.  I miss it, so I make good breakfast for me each morning.  My oatmeal gets better as I add fresh blueberries and ripe strawberries.  

BETTY (hungry now ?) BOOP

June 20, 2024


New 0bjective:  KEEP GOING.  I have decided: Why Not?  What can happen?  Wish I could write my poems again.  I often . in my mind think ln "rhyme". of course all I do is think it.  Never write it down, so is fades fast.  Nothing is ever completed.  I guess this little mind of mine has been shook up and does not know which way to go.  Don't tell me there is such a thing as a small stroke.  I see so many things that have changed.  Of course that is going to change anyway with age, but I see small things that I am different. But the saying goes that change can be good too.  I have a new friend who is telling me how she is missing my poems.  Wishing I would get back to it again.  Maybe she is right or Not.  I have tried but it just will not happen . At least I don't seem to be able to finish anything.  SO BE IT.

BETTY (give me a subject, I will try) BOOP  

June 19, 2024


 My hearing aids must be checked.  I am very displeased with the last adjustment.  So hard to hear most everything.  Why can't they get it right.  I could hear the preacher yesterday but her words were not clear.  I enjoyed the music, so it was not a total loss.  Met friends, that is good.  I just have to smile and pretend I hear them.  I am so much trouble.  Wish I could still see better.  But my hands will not let me write long and I get tired trying to see.  Maybe I could do a few reruns.  We have so many new people who have never heard them?  I have had to give up so many things I used to do, and not much is left but Choir.  And this is getting hard. Concert coming up. hope I can stand up for the pledge and Star Spangle Banner.  I am working on how to do that.  Do I sound a little "down"?  I can still write to you.

BETTY (complaining again " BOOP

June 18, 2024


 You don't miss something till it is not there anymore.  We were warned last week and several times since that the water would be cut off at 9 this morning to start a plumbing problem.  I thought of all the ways I need water by 9 in the morning.  I prepared myself for the event. Now I sit here waiting at 8 for the cut off. I even cooked my breakfast, ate, cleaned up and took a shower and am writing. I will next do my devotional and dress and see what else to do.  I can move with purpose if I have to. No message how long it will take.  I am thankful it is not the AC.

BETTY   (got to brush my teeth too) BOOP 

June 17, 2024


 Spelled it right this time.  Blame it on computer.  I sometime want to give up on it.  My "junk" is so uninteresting. Not much to tell except, who wants to hear about breakfast?  Everyone eats it?  Right? And the Geese can do nothing exciting.  Oh. well. ROCKING CHAIR TIME?  Not just yet.  I have never liked to "rock" and not go anywhere.  Bet I was a messy baby, not liking to be rocked.  I really think that is mostly for the MOM anyway.  

Betty (just rocking along) Boop

June 16, 2024


 Well, that is what they do.  I had two Zinnias to open up.  A red and a pink.  My fern outside on balcony is growing big.  I cut those sweet blooms and some fern too. Made my first "arrangement." In a tall blue bud vase.  So sweet.  My dear husband used to complain that I cut anything that blooms. He would say, "why do you have to bring it inside?"  I just always loved to have at least one bloom to admire.  Well, They bloom better if they are cut often.  My observation.  Oh, well.to each his own.  

I had turkey bacon with my scrambled egg. I have not had bacon lately. Guess I wanted a change.  Change is good sometime.  

BETTY (enjoy the day)Boop

June 15, 2024


 I saw a man who is in charge of the Blue Bird trail of new houses around our Lake. He was checking all the houses to see if new nest and eggs are there.  Hope so.  Truman used to go with our neighbor, who was an expert on Bluebirds, to check his trails.  We have bluebirds but this is a trail of houses for them.  

The Lake is calm and the Meadow is newly mowed, so Feast for the Geese.  It is supposed to be hot today, so the walkers should hurry before it gets too hot.  I wish I had planted a big pot of okra.  I could harvest a feast to eat.  I do like okra and tomatoes too. Cooked together with onions, make something special.  Of course with good old Southern cornbread *no sugar) is a must.   But my waffles and sausage links were a good start for breakfast. With Trader Joe's coffee. Thanks to # !

BETTY(food again) BOOP

June 14, 2024


 Yes. a good morning.  Oatmeal was good, Blueberries.  Nice breeze on Balcony.  Eye Dr. visit behind me.  He said I was stable.  What does that mean.  No progress (did not expect any)  well just a little.  Maybe holding my own?  Yes he said he would take that.  Actually seemed pleased.  I read these Dr.'s thoughts real good.  Anyway lunch at SOULSHINES  was vert good.  They have a soup and half sandwich that was a good choice.  

My Trash Zinnias are blooming. I have liked watching them grow from seeds.  Amazing.  I have often wondered what my flower beds look like on Riverwood?  Is she a gardener? Oh, well, not my concern anymore. I don't worry or even think about it much. This is my home now and I like SCV so much. 

BETTY (at home) BOOP

June 12, 2024


 Yes. it is nice on Balcony.  When I am reading about the travels and activity my family are all enjoying, I can sit here and relive my once active life.  T. and I really enjoyed traveling the USA and yes overseas too.  I am glad for the memories we made and for my children to have the same great memories of traveling the world and here at home too. One of the great things we did together was travel--all kinds of ways.  Set yourselves up a MEMORY BANK ACCOUT, and make many deposits for later check out and put back in.  I recommend it.  


June 11, 2024


Mr. Flower Pot Hat reminds me of my husband and his dedication to exercise.  He loved the Class at the Y. So faithful, three times a week.  I used to tell him he had the best looking legs of any man I ever saw. He could out walk any other in his class.  He was always telling me to walk more.  I guess I should have obeyed him.  

Foot Dr. today.  Imagine having to get someone to cut my toenails. Dr. told me to.  It got too hard for me to do myself.  SO BE IT.  It seems I have a Dr. for everything.


June 10, 2024


Boy am I popular.  Sunday afternoon. Two daughters came. Each did not know the other was coming.  Surprise. Flowers from Sophie's garden too. Fudge ice cream on a stick from A. . A try on of summer robes from J.  We were busy. Love to catch up on news and pictures of Grands.  We needed Linda to add to the mix.  Never satisfied am I.? 

Busy week ahead. Why 2 Dr's appointments.  Wish me luck.


June 9, 2024


Yes it does.  Seems faster than ever.  I am enjoying taking care of my Balcony flowers.  They are keeping it a secr et as to the color.  Maybe soon they will show their secret.  FILLER OF THE PILL BOX came yesterday.  She also brought some wonderful fruit.  The pineapple was the best ever.  We both enjoy all kinds of fruit.  

Let me go see what I can do today.  I  would like to go to Church. I miss my friends there, but still have lots of trouble hearing and that is frustrating.  Makes me want to not go.  


June 8, 2024


 How time does not fly.  Saturday and another week is coming.  My Pill Box daughter is coming.  That is good.  So faithful and when she can't come.  I have a faithful backup in another daughter, my how popular can I be?  Thankful they can put up with my many request.  This list of things I need help with, is growing. 

BLUEBERRIES FOR LITTLE DOT.  Yes blueberries on my waffles for breakfast.  I keep them in the freezer.  So good on the waffles.  Link sausage, orange juice prunes, and good old coffee.  I used the last of my blueberry syrup, given to me by a friend. I am ready for a new day.  

I am praying for a friend here who fell and broke her arm. Happens so many times.  This falling is serious and I hope to stay on my feet and not on my bottom.  Ha, Ha,

BETTY (stay on top) BOOP


June 7, 2024


 I have a theory (always) the Mama birds are sitting on nest of eggs and must keep them warm. So No singing right now. Nice breeze just now and coffee got cold quick. So here I am . Guy Hovis still can sing!!!!  But after all he has aged like everyone else.  He did an hour of old song from his early days and a few like I Am Proud To Be An American.  He has grey hair (at least he has hair) and a middle age tummy) and dressed perfect.  Still good looking. I enjoyed it after I got over the fact that time does march on. He still loves Mississippi.

I did like a lot of "us" and had cold cereal and a  perfect banana for breakfast.  Easy but not as good as I am used to.

BETTY (getting lazy) BOOP  

June 6, 2024


 I have always loved her. Her voice was so quirky.  First TV cook that I remember.  I learned how to make an 0melet by watching her (and a few just scrambled eggs) from watching her,  This morning she would have been proud of the one I made for me.  It was fluffy with cheese and chopped Fagan's ripe and good tomato.  How many would tackle an omelet at 6:30 in the morning?  Well, the old and retired.  We have little to do but brag about breakfast.  NOT TRUE..  Before I got stopped by small set backs, I was busy all the time.  Now it is BIG TIME REST for me.  Not too bad, if you can get over the fact that rest is not a good thing.  Because it is.  

BETTY (practice making an Omelet) BOOP

pps.  you may get scrambled at first try.

June 5, 2024


 I have finally used the KROGER BREAKFAST BLEND coffee up.  Being frugal to the core, I could not discard the last of it.  Even though I was tempted, so I could start 0n the coffee L & j brought to me from TRADER JOE"s in Memphis.  Oh it is so much better than what I have ben drinking.  So two cups of it and I am ready to go.  Thanks again for being so thoughtful of me.  I still think Mississippi would support a Trader Joes.  But what do I matter? , a consumer, am  I consulted?

Anyway I sat on Balcony to drink and take in the beauty of the day.  And the rain last night has refreshed the day and I am grateful we had no storm damage here. And the rain reached my pot where the Trash Zinnias are about to open their first bud.  Wonder what color it will be?

BETTY(will keep you posted) BOOP

June 4, 2024


 I hope to not plan so much in one day again.  I was tired and just wanted to rest. I made it and was glad. No need for you to know it all.

I am concerned  about the Choir though.  I have trouble hearing and so sometime I am just moving my lips.  This is my last performance. I think.  I am having so much trouble hearing in a crowed setting.  I feel stupid when I don't know what our Director is telling us what to do.  So I am just guessing sometime.  And I sit on the front row.  Lucky I know most of the songs already, but some are new to me.  I have to sort of fake some.  Maybe no one will watch me too close.  We have so many real good singers, maybe they will carry me along. One more time.  I don't like the place where I am now.  Should have stopped the Choir this year, but I love it so and thought One More Time, please.



June 3, 2024


 I will explain tomorrow, if I make it all.  I just saw Mr. 

Flower Pot Hat.  Since the alligator has been re-homed, the Canada Geese are happy and have come home in droves. Mr. Flowerpot Hat does not mind when they covered his walk way this morning.  He walked bravely right through them as they were on his walkway.  They made a BIG  fuss  but flew into the lake with a lot of protest.  Away they swam and Flowerpot ignored them.  That was brave because they will fight and try to scare you and me.  I am afraid they are the next problem in the Lake.  First thing I remember about the Lake when I first moved in.

Must get to my busy day,


June 2, 2024


 Hey, the grass is getting plenty of rain and is very green.  We here are getting ready to do the lawn and flower beds.  Redo what we lost from the lack of rain last summer,  I am excited to see what they will do.  My little Pine Thicket (call it) has grown too big and needs a lot of work.  We will see. Maybe from My view I could supervise.  NO?  not me.  

  1. Amy came yesterday afternoon to visit. Brought a favorite merchie's  frozen sugar-free yogurt  !!! whee !!!!  So good.  We got to sit on Balcony and talk and eat. 
  2. Feeling kind of shaky this morning.  Think I should stay home and rest this morning.

June 1, 2024


 How it changes====from sun to rain before you can write it.  We do need the rain and this kind is welcome. The little Trash seeds I planted are taking over.  I will soon have Zinnias to talk about.  Tall and healthy and "I will take over" attitude.  Well SO  BE  IT!!!!At least something may bloom.  

I am lazy this morning.  I actually slept 11 hours.  I got scared.  Maybe this old body needs more sleep now??  Ah, sleep and dream.

BETTY (sun is out now) BOOP