June 21, 2024


 I know, I said never again. but I fed the birds toast crumbs yesterday and this morning too.  No Hummers and I miss feeding something or somebody.  Two came and I look for more as I hide inside.  My husband was a nice one to feed.  I can't remember him ever complaining about my cooking, even though I struggled to learn on him.  When he did not really like something I cooked he would say sweetly, "Maybe we will not have this again."  So we did not.  That is the way we got along so good.  A little give and take goes a long way.  But I did learn to cook pretty good over the years.  I miss it, so I make good breakfast for me each morning.  My oatmeal gets better as I add fresh blueberries and ripe strawberries.  

BETTY (hungry now ?) BOOP

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