June 6, 2024


 I have always loved her. Her voice was so quirky.  First TV cook that I remember.  I learned how to make an 0melet by watching her (and a few just scrambled eggs) from watching her,  This morning she would have been proud of the one I made for me.  It was fluffy with cheese and chopped Fagan's ripe and good tomato.  How many would tackle an omelet at 6:30 in the morning?  Well, the old and retired.  We have little to do but brag about breakfast.  NOT TRUE..  Before I got stopped by small set backs, I was busy all the time.  Now it is BIG TIME REST for me.  Not too bad, if you can get over the fact that rest is not a good thing.  Because it is.  

BETTY (practice making an Omelet) BOOP

pps.  you may get scrambled at first try.

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