June 26, 2024


 Settle down.  For me, I have been too high on the fun ladder.  I survived the much waited for with the Concert.  That was the high for sure.  It went so good and family there was a real high.  I had another high yesterday.  Daughter #3 took me to get new glasses.  About time.  Dr. hopes reading glasses will help me read better.  I hope so, since I have been missing reading books.  Got a new pair of regular one too.  So I am looking to read and enjoy that again.  Another good thing happened. My sweet Indiana granddaughter sent me some shots she took with her new camera.  She has talent for it and I am happy she is having fun with it.  A new friend and I shared our books from childhood.  I like her .  She has a cat and I got to meet her.  So many things are making me happy. thank you Lord for Blessings.  


p.s.  contentment comes in many forms. 

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