June 22, 2024

YOU KNOW WHEN..........

 Yes you know when you put on your robe, the snaps are wrong and your pockets are all hanging wrong, inside out, you take it off, turn it , you think, and put it on wrong again,  Again you take it off and turn it, you think, turn it and it is wrong again.  Take it off the third time, again it is wrong.  Am tempted to leave it wrong. But I finally get it right.  Really was a tiny breeze and it was not all in vain.  No walkers.  So that is why the Halls are so busy.  Everyone stays inside and that is smart if you can.  

Got stuck on Egg-in-hole.  I made such a beauty that I wanted another today.  So I did.  If the toast is just right and the egg runs just so, it is worth showing on TV.  But no, they don't always turn out perfect. I am enjoying the wonderful fruit just now.  All so perfect and sweet and juicy.  Enjoy it while we have it.

Saturdays have always been for  fun. So go fine yours today.

BETTY fun loving old girl) BOOP

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