June 4, 2024


 I hope to not plan so much in one day again.  I was tired and just wanted to rest. I made it and was glad. No need for you to know it all.

I am concerned  about the Choir though.  I have trouble hearing and so sometime I am just moving my lips.  This is my last performance. I think.  I am having so much trouble hearing in a crowed setting.  I feel stupid when I don't know what our Director is telling us what to do.  So I am just guessing sometime.  And I sit on the front row.  Lucky I know most of the songs already, but some are new to me.  I have to sort of fake some.  Maybe no one will watch me too close.  We have so many real good singers, maybe they will carry me along. One more time.  I don't like the place where I am now.  Should have stopped the Choir this year, but I love it so and thought One More Time, please.



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