March 21, 2014


As I sat on the balcony while having my apartment cleaned, I was reading my current romantic//historical novel.  Such perfect temperature.  I stopped and listened to how many sounds I heard.\\First the ducks quacking away. the birds were all singing a different song, yet they blended like a choir.  I heard people talking softly below me on their  balcony, in a friendly visit with their glasses of iced tea(I guess) clinking,, I heard wing chimes swaying softly in the breeze.  All such beautiful promises of spring.  I want to plant my pots full of color but I know it is a little too soon. Easter is late this year and I think we are not safe from frost till after then.  I will wait but how nice to sit and listen to the signs of Spring.

Betty Boop


1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm sitting on my deck right now at dusk. I hear at least 4 bird songs and my 2 fountains babbling. Just cleaned them today.