March 24, 2014


Running a bit late with these Irish sayings.  I have a few so I will feed them to you slowly.

May your home always be too small to hold all your friends.  And Who keeps his tongue, keeps his friends.  And finally (for today), Loose an hour in the morning and you'll be looking for it all day.  Oh I have a few more.  Maybe tomorrow I will write a few more.  I just love them.

Spring is a little timid this year.  Maybe it usually is and I forget, but I predict it will be stable after Easter.  I would like to plant some flowers but it will be best to wait.  My good friend, Betty R. grew up in Fondren and we talk about Brents' Drugs and how we love the olive-egg salad sandwich they are known for.  She makes the best and even better than Brents' She brought me some this morning.  My sandwich made with whole wheat toast and a little lettuce took me back to a counter stool for a while.  She is so thoughtful.

Choir practice in a little while and then Methodist Church and then dinner with friends.  Gosh I love this place if only T.  was with me--it would be complete.

Berry Boop

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