September 26, 2015


Have you ever made French toast my way?  I got a weird loaf of whole wheat bread that was not sliced right.  Twice as thick as it was supposed to be.  Just right for French toast.  I beat an egg added a little half and half, salt and pepper.  I soaked the bread and browned it in the skillet which I sprayed with olive oil spray.  Browned it till crisp on both sides and used sugar free syrup.  With a little turkey bacon and hot tea and less sugar orange juice, I had a very good breakfast and good for me.  It kind of took the place of pancakes--kind of. 

Guess who came to lunch?  Brody --and he brought Jan and Cary.  That child is a treasure.  From being entertained by my little singing bird that Linda brought me, to loving to push the button at the elevator, to saying WOW! when Bobbie set his lunch before him.  We enjoyed trading pieces of fruit to drinking all his milk and most of a grilled cheese  sandwich, And when he finished he wanted to go outside.  A nice tour of the golf course and croquet field and then down to the Pier for a look at the LAKE,  He greeted everyone and paused to talk with a couple who found him delightful.  A quick goodbye and he was on his way to nap-land.  I know he was tired because he had also been to Wellfest earlier.   With a wave and a quick trip back to give us a hug. He was then on his way. How sweet is that?

Hard to follow that but a nap for me did it. 

Betty Boop

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