September 3, 2015


What a way to start the day.  Ham and eggs in the Cyber.  Good.  When I got on the elevator with a friend to go home, she said "If we had a talent contest here at SCV for the most talented, I would vote for you."  Boy did my head swell.  My family knows how hard I have worked to be busy and to make a difference, but talent?  You snicker behind your hands I know.  My friend had just read the new VILLAGER where I had three pieces published.  I guess it says a lot for the people out here.  We are proud of everyone.  Well, I do write poems that relate to us, essays that are just plain true and silly, I am an actress of sorts (play coming up), make and  give zillions of flowers to many on lots of times in their lives, keep the "entrance table " up to date and I think pretty, give out many hugs and smiles each day plus I join committees that interest me. I do see a little talent there.  But nothing that anyone could do if they only put out the effort.  I do enjoy many things that I do.  Truman used to push me to do more, wish he could see me now.  He always said I had talent, I just did not use it.  Oh well, I am trying now and please be kind to me and tell me I am O.K.  Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

Talent just oozing out