September 12, 2015


I had visitors yesterday.  Jan, Cary, and birthday boy Brody!!!.  He opened his present from me and declared FIRE TRUCK  WHOWWWW  Enough said,  We visited for a while and we walked (raced Jan) down the halls so I could show him off.  He did me proud with speaking to everyone and saying and waving and saying Bye to everyone.  He surprised this one person when she asked how old are you.  He quickly threw up two fingers and said "Two".  He was very charming and cute.  We walked out on the newly floored pier and learned a new word.  He is always learning and it is fascinating.  I was warmed by Cary's statement..  She wished he could have played and explored our Riverwood back yard.  She imagined he would have loved it.  I do too. 

Not much else happened except I got a much needed hair cut.  Glad to get that done.  It makes me feel so much better. 

Betty Boop

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