September 12, 2016


Yes, he was quiet and gentle and so very pretty. Such a welcome presence.  My Beta fish Blueberry died Sunday.  Sunday afternoon I looked at his bowl, as I often do, and he was standing on his nose at the bottom of the bowl.  I thought he had discovered another way to entertain me but he did not move,  I waited a while hoping he was o. k. but had to finally accept it.  Blueberry was gone.  I miss him.  He was no trouble but he did his job of being there and looking good.  He would always about take the food from my fingers every morning at the same time.  He would be waiting for me in the same spot. He is the second one I have had and of course I plan to get another one.  Maybe a red one this time.   I think everyone needs something  to takes care of even if it is just a fish or plants will do the trick also.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

So sorry. He was a good fish.