April 21, 2017


My loosing battle with how to pronounce Canada geese.  I know I am right so I give up on some who insist it is otherwise.  Anyway, they are back and mean as ever.  I watched a gaggle on my shore this morning.  It seems a pair are insisting on finding a nest spot here under the balcony ,  I don't know if the others are warning them not to or if they are jealous of the spot.  I do know they just can't do it.  They fussed and flew at each other till all flew away.  I am sure the "little white truck", with it's loud noise will come soon.  They are all over the meadow on the other side of the lake and I am sure the people who walk are afraid of them.  They can be very aggressive.  Oh well, nature, with our help will soon take care of it.  In the meantime, I am going to Kroger and must get ready.  Wish I had all day to watch the drama unfolding, but it takes too long. 

Betty Boop

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