April 14, 2017

MAY MERRIMENT (for the Library Board)

Dot Ellis
In school did you do the dance?
Around the May Pole we would prance.
What a sight it would be!!
Close your eyes and you can see.
SVC residents dancing-what a sight.
Boys to the left-Girls to the right.
Into the Library they all go.
Check out books to a do-si-do.!!!
I told my editor that I guess it was the "meds" talking because ii was so silly.  She said that is what we need, more silly.  What do you think?  Will they let me go?  No they need somebody, anybody, so bad that they will take what they can get.  Just kidding.  I am happy to have the chance to be printed. 
I am feeling better.  I will make it after all.
Betty Boop

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