July 15, 2024


 Much loved by many kids.  Mine loved it.  And a few others.  I thought of his books as I ate plump blueberries in my oatmeal this morning, many thoughts for blogs are born at breakfast.  We had 3 blueberry bushes on Riverwood.  Truman would pick them early before the Blue Jays could get them.  He would covered the bush (3)  with netting.  The Jays would sometime find a way to get under and have breakfast before we did Anyway a real writer would not be so wordie, but I am just a writer for fun and telling you my thoughts.  Anyway his books were a source of much pleasure. In our early lean days, I made sure we owned a few.  Yes they were mostly LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS (25 cents in the early days) one each week on grocery trip days, when I pushed little sweet Amy in the cart.  Later the Library was our pleasure to visit.  Ah, down Memory Lane to check out a book and read it, and take it back.  

BETTY simple memories)BOOP 

but sweet ones. and the big girls liked the candy I always brought to them !!!!

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