July 5, 2024


A bowl full of peaches, makes the oatmeal go down. and in a wonderful way.  You know I do like oatmeal, but you need to try one of the wonderful peaches of this season on anything or just by itself and  it is next to Heaven!!!!  I don't remember them tasting so good. This morning was still and quiet and nobody stirring at all.  Too much celebrating the 4th?  I doubt it out here in the sedate halls of SCV.  Someone should break through and cause a real celebration.  The Hot Dog was good yesterday, but that was about it.  Of course I should not complain, If something big would happen, I would run for Apt 2313 and hide.  I like the peace and silence now.  Of course I am kidding.  I have never been where so much happens.  Something for everyone.  Just take your pick.  My pick is usually is to sit back and watch.  Also fun to do.  That is since I have entered my "golden years) as they call them. UGG!!!

BETTY (just having a little fun) BOOP

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