July 16, 2024


 You never know what will happen.  I guess that is good.  I ripped the sheets off and hope for help to replace with clean sheets later.  A little warm on Balcony so I did not stay long.  We really need some rain.  I will not even tell what breakfast was .  Always good.  Love breakfast.  Wonder what the "girls on the coast are having?"  Something exotic I bet.  Maybe they will just sleep through till lunch time.  

Poems keep romping through my head.  They will not stop long enough to write them down.  Therefore I have to let them go.  They were good ones  too.  Ha Ha. Maybe it is the new glasses.  I really like the reading ones.  I am happily reading my books now and don't get tired eyes like before.  Now that is the Big Blessing for now. 

BETTY (showers of blessings) BOOP

p.s. remember that old old hymn?


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