July 2, 2024


I saw that in action.  9 in a row. perfectly spaced just floated by.  One was way to the side ambled along.  Guess they did not have "Their Ducks In A Row" after all. I could make a blog of that and just why he was out of line.  Sometime when you are getting things to work, there is one thing that will not get in the row.  Right?  

I had a good old fashioned breakfast.  Egg over light, turkey bacon, wholewheat toast, prunes, orange juice coffee. Good and easy to fix.  On balcony for a short while.  Yesterday I saw a man with a high power hose washing outside windows. I guess we are on the list.  He needed a bathing suit I thought and that would have made his job nice. Should I bring that suggestion up next meeting?  Could open up all kind of issues, better leave it be.
p. s. leave it be. better sometime.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe the water guy could “play in the hose” as we used to say as kids