July 21, 2024


 Can't get enough of those "beauties."  Several States claim theirs is the best.  All are good.  I had a whole one cut up on cereal this morning.  My. it made old TOTAL special. However you eat them they are great.  Even out of hand with the juice running down your chin and arms.  I have one more in my fruit bowl.  I like backup resources. 

No walkers yet.   After all Sunday is a slow day and a time for rest too.  Think I will do just that.  I do a lot of resting lately.  Forced for sure.  I got to thinking about our big old motor home and wished to be, as old Willie would sing---"ON THE ROAD AGAIN"  I could sing a very poor version of that song.  Who cared?  I would sing as we left old Riverwood and head for someplace different, in the old days.  But always glad to get home.  No place like it.

BETTY(world traveler)BOOP

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