July 12, 2024


 Yes, early on the Balcony was a beauty today.  So still that the Lake looked like a painting. The Willow and Cyprus trees' reflections were so clear.  Number 3 came on the scene again.  I looked to the roof next to me and 3 birds and  spaced just so were perched.  I was amazed when they flew one after the other to the Cross on the Chapel. One on the each point of the Cross.  Wow!!!!

Picked up my NEW glasses. I am so pleased with the reading ones.  Glad I took Dr.'s advice on that one.  I like the new regular one too. So that went well.  Lunch was great.  Cesar Salad and a slice of pizza.  Will go back there again. All and all, a good day but tired as usual.  I try and try to do more, but alas I seem to do less and less.


BETTY (less seems best)  

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