July 8, 2024


 New start.  That is how I look at a new week.  Be more cheerful and hope to feel good.  The chances of feel  "good" are slim at 97 and tending to every little ailment as I can pick up, is a blessing as long as they are "little."  Goes with the small ailments I have.  Keeps me busy.  "Which one do I pick for today?"  Let the games begin.  Or how about a "day without something to complain about?"  Move over "trouble", find something good to talk about.  Food is an off subject.  Did you see the Sophia pictures of the new Kitty at their house.  So cute this morning, fetching? Smart cat.  I have owned many cats in my days, but never one that would "fetch" like a dog.  Would make a good one for the TV shows.  


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