July 28, 2016


Up early, two scrambled eggs, o. j. wheat toast and coffee.  Off to something new at 9:00 A, M.  For one hour my therapist put me through the paces that I need to get to walking better.  I really enjoyed it and it felt good to know I was doing something good for my body and mind as well.  I think she knows her stuff and I am willing to try real hard to get the most benefit from it. 

I wore shorts to the session because I knew she was working on my knee.  Now, around here I have seen very few people in shorts.  Crazy?  I know of no rule that says you can or can't.  But I broke mine out along with my Ellis T shirt and waltzed (?) down the hall.  Got a few looks but nobody offered a comment.  I brought it up a few times and some said I had the legs for it.  O boy that set real good.  I guess that is not so bad for an 89er. 

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got to love an 89er with a "go get em" attitude!