July 7, 2016


Those of you who are early country music fans may remember Conway Twitty ?
He made many hearts throb with his songs.  One was Hello Darling.  I don't know why I thought of that song as I stepped into the Wal-Mart yesterday.  The song goes--it's been a long long time.  It has been  since I went on my own and drove my car there.
I felt free.  My Doctor said she was throwing away my boot and did not want to see me for three months.  Yeah!!  I am so grateful to be back in my shoes, even with an insert.  That is no big deal.  Well back to WalMart.  It took me 2 hours to get back home.  I went up and down every isle and at a slow pace.  Turns out THAT was a mistake.  I was so tired when I got back (safe) till I made a hot dog to celebrate, ate it and fell on my bed.  I  slept for an hour.  I will do better next time.  As Conway sang-It's been a long long time.

Betty Boop


1 comment:

Amy said...

Did you even tour the auto zone?