January 24, 2019


Beautiful but cold.  It is January in Mississippi.  Up and down.  Just like me.  I am up today.   Such a good report so far from annual physical .  Two test have to come, but don't expect anything wrong.  Dr. says I am doing good according to my numbers.  They are important but how you feel is too.  Maybe I will keep working on my therapy and change my attitude.  Not easy when you are tending to so many things about your health. Always something to fix--can get you down. What should I expect?  After all 92 is quite an accomplishment. Right?  Lot of living during that time.  Some good and some not so  good, but be thankful for all the blessings I have. 

I need to get back to writing poems. That always makes me feel good.

Betty Boop

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