January 1, 2019


Yes, to you I wish a good one.  Truman and I were not big on parties.  We went to bed before midnight and rarely saw the ball drop till next day on the news.  I did not drink and he rarely did, so that lets you out sometime. Today you can't go anywhere with out the habit.  So Be It.  It bothers me a lot.  But people make their own choices. Still not for me. 

It is finally light outside. Very cloudy.  I woke at 5:30 and just got up.  Everything is closed here except the New Year's lunch in dinning room.  I am going.  I must get me some black eyed peas.  Need all the luck I can get.  I don't really believe they will bring good luck. I just happen to like any kind of peas.  So good luck to you all and please keep reading.  I would hate to think I am writing to the wind.  I do express my opinion sometime.  To each his own.

Betty Boop