February 10, 2019


Up early, but still managed 8 hours of sleep.  Felt good to rest.  Although, I wish I could remember my dreams.  They vanish as soon as I wake.  I know sometime if they are good I wish I could recall them. Dreams are strange.  They have been recorded since the beginning of time.  Dreams were very important in Bible stories and in all of scripture too. They must have important meanings.  But some of mine and yours too are very strange and you just wonder where they come from.  Too deep for me to understand.  Can't even remember mine from last night. Oh well--SO BE IT.

Church this morning and lunch meeting after.  The subject of our future of the Church will be discussed.  On our level and the Conference level  too.  Should be important.  Our Church is barely holding on just like many of our kind.  Young people mostly don't want organized denominations, as they are ,and seek more ways of worship.  So we shrink and lose members who would have carried on.  Do not know the answer.  As they say "times, they are a- changing."

Betty Boop

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