April 17, 2019


The coffee deal is like every saying.  It is not an old one but some say from WW1 --some say WW11.  "Joe" is coffee. but maybe named for the Sec of Navy at the time.  He cut out the free coffee to sailors.  Shame on him.  So they called coffee for him, but not in  a nice way,    cup-o-joe.  His first name was Joseph.  Read it for yourself.  There are other options you can believe.  Just like other things.  Aren't we lucky to form our own beliefs? Some, like me, make up some things to believe.  Story telling is one thing I like to do.   Like the Canada Geese story.  Can't compare me to real writers., but I do it anyway.  Storytellers who are writers have always interested me.

So my Balcony pots are ready to plant and Amy is coming to take me to the nursery for plants to fill them.  Be careful not to get too much to care for.

Betty Boop  

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