April 12, 2019


Ready for a little silliness?  I spent a while on the Bubble while my apartment was being cleaned.  Observing the Canada geese.  I told you a made up story about the couple that seemed to be "courting".  Well today as the flock was enjoying the fresh green grass on the Meadow, they, over a way to themselves. HUNGRY ONLY FOR LOVE.  Same two, I just know I saw before.  They were enjoying being together as young lovers are prone to do.  Soon they were startled by one jealous goose who swooped in and picked a fight with the lover..  They fought on the bank and then in the Lake they flew still  fighting.  Finally the winner flew back to his love's side and left the looser floating-dizzy and defeated.  Away he flew to safer ground. Sorry for trying. The two lovers went for a swim and the last I saw of them as they flew into the sun set--or sunrise? , they were looking  for a nest in the trees (I think.)  Ah!! Young love, it can be sweet and fierce at the same time.  Remember?

Betty Boop  

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