August 7, 2024


I slept a lot yesterday.  Next outing will certainly be one I have to do.  This heat did take a tole on me. Even though it did me good to be with my girls.  Do you remember I kept wanting to try Spam and see if it still taste and looked the same?  I bought one and kept it a while  on the shelf.  Many things to read about it and ways to cook and eat it. Finally I brought it out and made a stir fry with peas and rice.  Learned to make the cut up pieces a little larger.  Heated it too long and it shrunk to small pieces.  Too much salt for sure although I added none.  It was eatable but barely.  Next I made a sandwich (plenty of mustard) with a slice. That was better.  Next I browned a slice with my egg.  You know--ham and eggs?  Still too salty.  What to do with the rest?  In a salad maybe.  But this seems like fun. I washed the container and made  a holder for the few little Zinnias.  Cute as can be and a story to tell.

BETTY(very smart) BOOP

p.s. make something from nothing,

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