August 23, 2024



Beautiful words to a Mom.  I heard them yesterday from my Dentist. I tease him because he has the name of a famous Mississippi author that we have, and you all know him.  I like him a lot. A. and I met MG after the visit at Sal & Mookies (spell)  for  a slice and a salad.  Try it.  It is good and a good lunch.  Good conversation too.

One more check up is close. Annual physical .  I will be glad to get that one behind me and hope to tell a lot to the Dr.  I hope he doesn't get tired of me.  I am one of these patients who is very involved in my progress.  I want to be the best I can be. 

My the weather is great, I see  Fall-my favorite.  I remember we took a Fall trip one time to be able to see the turning of the beautiful leaves.  Motorhome is the way to go for that. By that time he had our big Motor Home.  So much fun with Irene and Cecil. Here I go "Down Memory Lane." Come with me.



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